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Throughout history there have been many historical characters who have left their mark with their deeds, inventions or artistic works. They are still now admired and remembered by all of us. However, something that we might ignore about them is that many of them had some peculiarities that made them different in the homogeneous society  they lived, not always open to diversity.


Overcoming difficulties, people like M. Luther King or Nelson Mandela defended human rights fighting skin or race discrimination. Barack Obama has become the first black president of the United States. The Irish playwright Oscar Wilde was imprisoned for being homosexual. Marie Curie succeeded in overcoming the discrimination that the women of her age suffered and contributed greatly to the scientific world.


As we can see there are countless examples in History of people that went through a lot of difficulties regardless their extraordinary talents and skills. Their integration in society was not easy but they were finally respected and admired by the others while respecting and living their own differentiation and diversity. 


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